MEDEA - open studio on tour

September 18, 2006


Filed under: medea — medea @ 10:54 pm
The wandering Clutterland

As the wandering clutterland, the open studio/ Medea organises a tour through Ireland for two weeks from 10th  to 26th of september. The wandering Clutterland defines the project and the artists, which take part in. Clutterland, what means a confused multidude of things, specifically a mixture of different aims and interests, finds itself in the common background of experimental and process orientated work in connection with travelling through the county. While being on the road with the Medea Tourbus, the criteria or attempts lie in acting with and reacting to founded situations. To travel means in this context a methodical instrument and flexibility in regarding the manner, how and where works  get realised.
An idea of the wandering Clutterland is a permanent, kind of roaming movement by the principle of longing and drifting through.

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