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xchange list mailto: xchange_at_lists.servus.at


Posted in meeting 2 (RSS)


+ Get a group of new media practitioners together that want to get involved in organising an open network for new media practitioners.

+ Decide if core group will make a funding application

+ Draft up your aims + put it on line with wiki interface

+ Publicise regular open meetings to relevant networks + potential partners

+ Always have a different chairperson at each meeting

+ Recruit Voluntary Organisers (those that want to organise)

+ Recruit Subscribers (those that do not want to organise, but still want to take part)

+ Encourage free exchange of facilities and equipment for ‘the cause’

+ Develop critical mass + carry out action points

+ Minute all meetings and put on line + continue discussions on Wiki

+ Decide on dates and duration for the season of NODE.L (inz)

+ Hold separate meetings for Voluntary Organisers and Subscribers

+ Recruit more VO’s and Subscribers to extend the network

+ Form voluntary subgroups of VO’s to be responsible for areas of activity

+ Ask VO subgroups to report back on developments

+ Form Seed Nodes (venues that will host events during the season of activity)

+ Give deadline for projects proposals and assistance in developing them

+ Develop public web interface where subscribers input their own information

+ Design + distribute publicity

+ Launch NODE.L(inz)

Posted on Thursday, September 21, 2006 by