Some BASIC FACTS onAustriaZimbabwe
Area sq. km83.856 390.759
Population 19697,4 Mio5,1 Mio
19927,8 Mio10,4 Mio
2015 est.8,2 Mio16,0 Mio
Population density9127
Population below 15 years17,5 %50%
Life expactancy (1992) years7562
Population per doctor (1987)5907.169
HIV Cases (WHO 1992)82812.514
Fatal accidents by lightning / year5200
GDP per capita (1991) USD / year16.620542
cars per 1000 inhabitants (1986)38028
rate of unemployment (1990)5,4 %24 % est.
Central Government spending on education in 1989/90 (%of budget)8,9 %17,3
Number of efugees sheltered (1988)45.000135.000

Argezim & Kunzwana Trust